Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dance Teacher

HSC / pk: Fact #1: Dance Teacher

Early 2009 Ahn hired me to teach the line dancing: my payment was free admission to the Social.

Background facts:

I started attending the Senior Center in August of 2008: to meet women: which required me, I believed, to begin dancing again: for the first time since I retired from the dance floor: in high school. (I was titled the Best Dancer in my school, but by people who hadn't seen me dance in years!) I met the women: a string of them. A little practice, and a lot of chutzpah, got a few of my steps back: the style returned very fast. That's me.

Ahn, our leader, was very nice, and very funny. She can be so uninhibited I won't repeat some of her best moments: she flashes them publicly: at friends, but they're not for publication.

After a couple of months, by autumn 2008, the HSC added some line dancing. The teacher was difficult, not terribly competent. Ahn asked me to help. I said sure. Ahn said, after I'd already agreed, that helping with the line dance teaching, I would not have to pay the $5 entrance fee. The fed broke my when they arrested me: the government is a past master at destroying its critics, those who would improve it.


By New Years 2009-turning-to-'10 Bob, our president, Ahn's GI-Joe husband, was sniping at me, saying that I had to pay admission: unless I washed his dishes during the lunch hour when I was scheduled to teach the ballroom dancing! Insane.

Ahn hired me: how could Bob fire me? He was president, but she was CEO.

Anyway, Ahn didn't defend her guy. She didn't say I had to pay, but she didn't make Bob back down. Her hiring me was clear only between the two of us; it was not clear to the world.

That's no way to run an organization. In protest, I stopped going.

I still love Ahn; but I don't believe that HSC is legitimate. If the public tolerates sloppy administration of its charities, I can't help that. For these nine months my protest has been silent: articulated only to individuals. Now I'll start telling key points here online.

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