Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ahn Totton McQueen


This is Ahn.
Ahn Totton McQueen.

She's the HSC founder, CEO, Coordinator ...


HSC: that's the
Highlands Senior Center.
Ahn Totton McQueen

Ahn will need a portrait for her Profile on her version of the HSC blog. I just silhouetted her from a recent pic:

Ain't she cute?! And she complains about bags under her eyes!


At HSC we celebrate the sacred holidays — Christmas, Easter — and the secular holidays — Memorial Day, the 4th, Labor Day — and we celebrate whatever occurs to us (prompted by Ahn, of course).

Everyone gets their birthday celebrated! On the first Wednesday of the month everyone born in that month gets their birthday recognized:

July: Gator, Pauline, Sam, Cecil, Mary

July birthdays

With a present, with cake ...
and by getting your picture taken blowing out candles!

Of course dancing is a celebration: of life, of gender ... of love — and we do plenty of that: as the press keeps showing:

Connie's big pants;

Vince dances with Inez.
But notice:

Connie here is celebrating her heroic weight loss, more than one hundred pounds, with all of us! by holding up pants she used to wear! to Lorraine's unfeigned astonishment!

Board of Directors

pk here doesn't know enough facts to do more than sketch this: Ahn or Bob will have to fill in; but our board memebers are:

Ahn Totton McQueen — CEO, Coordinator

Bob McQueen — President

Dick Miller — Vice-President

Jim Hains — indispensable in the kitchen, delivers food from the market, helps get much of it donated ...

Jeanne Hains

Millie Peters — helps with record keeping, accounts, clubhouse setup ...

Millie Roberts — ill recently

Ted Markos

Paul Knatz — Dance Director (line dance teacher, ballroom dance dean ...), clubhouse setup, drinks bar chef ...

Dance All Day

At the Highlands Senior Center some of us dance all day.

There's line-dancing, with Paul, 9 to 10.

From 10 to noon Cecil Schultz and his Good Time Sing Along Band play ballroom dance music. They'll insert a line-dance or two as well.

Paul, Lois, Connie
Framed by Don's guitar, Ahn waltzes with Paul.
Raising her right hand while twisting her waist signals her
to begin the lady's six count underarm turn.

Noon to 1 Lois has been accompanying our lunch on her keyboard.

From 1 to 3 the Sunny Boys provide the ball room music.

SunnyBoys Band

At some point in the afternoon session, sometimes right at 1, Paul arranges for the teaching of a ballroom dance step. This summer we've covered basic steps for the foxtrot, the waltz, and the rumba. We have some excellent dancers among us and Paul tries to share the talent. Professionals Ron and Astrid may teach the step, or standouts Sam and Connie ... or Vince and Lorraine ... Our snowbirds will provide others once the season gets rekindled.

Leading tips, couple position, ballroom etiquette ... also get covered. Paul sometimes adds comments and sometimes demonstrates a step himself. There are just so many basic dance steps, but many many Wednesdays: so naturally basics will be repeated, again and again.

Paul, Lois, Connie
Paul, Lois, Connie

Eat & Drink

The Highlands Senior Center offers food and drinks throughout its hours. From 9 AM we're breakfasting on coffee and pastries. There's also decaf, and plenty of lemonade and ice tea: cocoa, hot tea, water ...

At noon we dine. Typically there's an entré, sometimes a soup as well, a green salad with lots of extras, a fruit salad ... breads and rolls ... plenty of condiments. On the last Wednesday of each month it's pot luck: bring your own covered dish: and the Center adds something. Deserts may extend well into the afternoon dancing. The beverages are plentiful all day long.

Bob McQueen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sunny Boys Band

Our afternoon band is The Sunny Boys: 1 PM - 3. That's George on the accordion, Rollie on tenor sax, Jim on bass guitar. Drums are switched between Gator, shown here, and Tom (who sometimes subs for Bob in the kitchen).

SunnyBoys Band

Lois McClean, widow of popular band leader Billy Warren, shown standing here, plays keyboard through the lunch hour.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bob McQueen

Bob McQueen, Ahn's husband, is our President.

Bob McQueen

Wednesdays he's busy in the kitchen, long before, and long after, lunch. Here he's putting out some deserts after lunch.

2009 September Note: Tom and Ele are back in town: and back in the kitchen where we so need them. Do we appreciate them in the kitchen? Do we appreciate Bob? How can we? when they're in the Kitchen! Hidden most of the day!

Good Time Sing Along Band

Good Time Sing Along Band

Wednesday mornings, 10 - noon, we dance to the Good Time Sing Along Band. 11 - noon we may also sing along with the band, lyrics provided.

That's Cecil toward the center: and Don, Mary, Gator ... Jim and others sometimes also play.

How to Get Here

From Highway 27 in Sebring turn west onto Thunderbird Road. Be ready to turn left immediately: Spotted Owl Drive comes up sharply, running south. Drive a short couple of residential blocks and straight into our parking lot. You're at the Sebring Hills Clubhouse, home of the Highlands Senior Center.

Thunderbird Road is a couple of lights north of the Lakeshore Mall, and about a mile south of Sebring Parkway.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Highlands Senior Center, Inc.

Highlands Senior Center, Inc.
The Fun Place to Be

@: Sebring Hills Assoc. Club House
200 Lark Ave.
Sebring, FL 33872

(US 27 to Thunderbird Road the first immediate left is Spotted Owl
Drive two blocks south and park in the parking lot)

We meet every Wednesday 9 am till 3 pm
No membership required

$5.00 door charge includes Lunch


Enjoy our live sing-a-long with
Live Dancing Music by

Line Dancing 9 - 10
Ballroom Dancing 10 - 12
Lunch 12 - 1
Ballroom Dance Lesson c. 1
Ballroom Dancing 1 - 3

Come by and pick-up a Calendar or call Bob or Ahn
(863) 386-0752

Halloween Costume Contest