Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ahn Totton McQueen


This is Ahn.
Ahn Totton McQueen.

She's the HSC founder, CEO, Coordinator ...


HSC: that's the
Highlands Senior Center.
Ahn Totton McQueen

Ahn will need a portrait for her Profile on her version of the HSC blog. I just silhouetted her from a recent pic:

Ain't she cute?! And she complains about bags under her eyes!


At HSC we celebrate the sacred holidays — Christmas, Easter — and the secular holidays — Memorial Day, the 4th, Labor Day — and we celebrate whatever occurs to us (prompted by Ahn, of course).

Everyone gets their birthday celebrated! On the first Wednesday of the month everyone born in that month gets their birthday recognized:

July: Gator, Pauline, Sam, Cecil, Mary

July birthdays

With a present, with cake ...
and by getting your picture taken blowing out candles!

Of course dancing is a celebration: of life, of gender ... of love — and we do plenty of that: as the press keeps showing:

Connie's big pants;

Vince dances with Inez.
But notice:

Connie here is celebrating her heroic weight loss, more than one hundred pounds, with all of us! by holding up pants she used to wear! to Lorraine's unfeigned astonishment!

Board of Directors

pk here doesn't know enough facts to do more than sketch this: Ahn or Bob will have to fill in; but our board memebers are:

Ahn Totton McQueen — CEO, Coordinator

Bob McQueen — President

Dick Miller — Vice-President

Jim Hains — indispensable in the kitchen, delivers food from the market, helps get much of it donated ...

Jeanne Hains

Millie Peters — helps with record keeping, accounts, clubhouse setup ...

Millie Roberts — ill recently

Ted Markos

Paul Knatz — Dance Director (line dance teacher, ballroom dance dean ...), clubhouse setup, drinks bar chef ...

Dance All Day

At the Highlands Senior Center some of us dance all day.

There's line-dancing, with Paul, 9 to 10.

From 10 to noon Cecil Schultz and his Good Time Sing Along Band play ballroom dance music. They'll insert a line-dance or two as well.

Paul, Lois, Connie
Framed by Don's guitar, Ahn waltzes with Paul.
Raising her right hand while twisting her waist signals her
to begin the lady's six count underarm turn.

Noon to 1 Lois has been accompanying our lunch on her keyboard.

From 1 to 3 the Sunny Boys provide the ball room music.

SunnyBoys Band

At some point in the afternoon session, sometimes right at 1, Paul arranges for the teaching of a ballroom dance step. This summer we've covered basic steps for the foxtrot, the waltz, and the rumba. We have some excellent dancers among us and Paul tries to share the talent. Professionals Ron and Astrid may teach the step, or standouts Sam and Connie ... or Vince and Lorraine ... Our snowbirds will provide others once the season gets rekindled.

Leading tips, couple position, ballroom etiquette ... also get covered. Paul sometimes adds comments and sometimes demonstrates a step himself. There are just so many basic dance steps, but many many Wednesdays: so naturally basics will be repeated, again and again.

Paul, Lois, Connie
Paul, Lois, Connie

Eat & Drink

The Highlands Senior Center offers food and drinks throughout its hours. From 9 AM we're breakfasting on coffee and pastries. There's also decaf, and plenty of lemonade and ice tea: cocoa, hot tea, water ...

At noon we dine. Typically there's an entré, sometimes a soup as well, a green salad with lots of extras, a fruit salad ... breads and rolls ... plenty of condiments. On the last Wednesday of each month it's pot luck: bring your own covered dish: and the Center adds something. Deserts may extend well into the afternoon dancing. The beverages are plentiful all day long.

Bob McQueen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sunny Boys Band

Our afternoon band is The Sunny Boys: 1 PM - 3. That's George on the accordion, Rollie on tenor sax, Jim on bass guitar. Drums are switched between Gator, shown here, and Tom (who sometimes subs for Bob in the kitchen).

SunnyBoys Band

Lois McClean, widow of popular band leader Billy Warren, shown standing here, plays keyboard through the lunch hour.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bob McQueen

Bob McQueen, Ahn's husband, is our President.

Bob McQueen

Wednesdays he's busy in the kitchen, long before, and long after, lunch. Here he's putting out some deserts after lunch.

2009 September Note: Tom and Ele are back in town: and back in the kitchen where we so need them. Do we appreciate them in the kitchen? Do we appreciate Bob? How can we? when they're in the Kitchen! Hidden most of the day!

Good Time Sing Along Band

Good Time Sing Along Band

Wednesday mornings, 10 - noon, we dance to the Good Time Sing Along Band. 11 - noon we may also sing along with the band, lyrics provided.

That's Cecil toward the center: and Don, Mary, Gator ... Jim and others sometimes also play.

How to Get Here

From Highway 27 in Sebring turn west onto Thunderbird Road. Be ready to turn left immediately: Spotted Owl Drive comes up sharply, running south. Drive a short couple of residential blocks and straight into our parking lot. You're at the Sebring Hills Clubhouse, home of the Highlands Senior Center.

Thunderbird Road is a couple of lights north of the Lakeshore Mall, and about a mile south of Sebring Parkway.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Highlands Senior Center, Inc.

Highlands Senior Center, Inc.
The Fun Place to Be

@: Sebring Hills Assoc. Club House
200 Lark Ave.
Sebring, FL 33872

(US 27 to Thunderbird Road the first immediate left is Spotted Owl
Drive two blocks south and park in the parking lot)

We meet every Wednesday 9 am till 3 pm
No membership required

$5.00 door charge includes Lunch


Enjoy our live sing-a-long with
Live Dancing Music by

Line Dancing 9 - 10
Ballroom Dancing 10 - 12
Lunch 12 - 1
Ballroom Dance Lesson c. 1
Ballroom Dancing 1 - 3

Come by and pick-up a Calendar or call Bob or Ahn
(863) 386-0752

Halloween Costume Contest

Monday, August 31, 2009

Senior Caveats

Paul, here: proudly, gratefully designated The Dancer by the HSC Board of Directors. I have a few comments about seniors dancing: testimonies for, and a caveat or two of warning. First, the good side: Last autumn I was invited to the Lake Placid American Legion by a table full of widows, all seniors. Three of them had recently had heart problems: strokes, heart attacks. Everyone at the table loved to dance; but those three needed help just standing up let alone dancing. Stand they did, and dance they did: and here's the point: by spring time all three were standing and dancing without support!!! Jerry, in her upper eighties, still had a bit of a body tremble, but much less so. Ann, who'd hang on for dear life in October, was independently jitterbugging, twisting, doing the Charleston, by March! And Maxine got trimmer, stronger, younger looking!

A couple of months ago I gave some dance lessons to Hildy and Larry. The HSC remembers Larry falling over a chair last January and breaking his hip: here he was in early summer, his 90th birthday coming up, taking dancing lessons, planning to take a paddle boat excursion with his new girl friend Hildy, and making real progress: with the foxtrot, the waltz, the rumba ... Look at him now; you'd never believe he'd broken his hip (let alone been a bachelor!)


OK: there's no limit to what endorsements for dancing I or others could gather here; but there are also warnings appropriate, especially for the elderly: especially where the man has not danced much before, or the widow hasn't danced in the decades of her late husband's illness ... I'll leave such as obvious though for the moment: to get to a warning about line-dancing that may not be obvious:

I hear that there's a high incidence of injury among line dancers. We can imagine some of the possible reasons: one line-dances typically in a group, and group mentality can keep one going on where caution might have occurred to an individual not swept up by the group ... True enough, and we can imagine others. But I jump straight to a reason I wound't have suspect before I began line-dancing myself: last autumn, right here at the HSC: Jean our teacher for the Electric Slide:Line-dances, nearly all of them, make sudden turns toward a new wall. Many of the turns are ninety degrees, but some are 180 degrees, and some are 270!

Be careful. Don't blow your knee trying to keep up when you haven't yet had time to drill your body in unweighting at exactly the right time, swiveling at exactly the right time ...
Meantime, at HSC, I, Paul, try to avoid dances with some of the more violent turns. We're seniors after all.

The Boot Scootin' Boogie has a 180 degree turn on the 20th count — but lots of us are already rehearsed in that one. If you're not in practice, if you don't have the timing coordinated just so, your weight transfers graceful, take it easy, slow it down, dance to the side where you won't get run over by the stampede of your fellow dancers.

And there's another recommendation, a positive: coordinating as a group is a pleasure in itself. Ballroom dancing mixes independent couples; line-dancing is group-coordinated: like Rockettes.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Last Wishes

The HSC's Vice President, Dick Miller, celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday a few months back. Last week Ahn emailed friends that visiting Dick in his assisted living facility she found him neglected, without the assistence he needed or that the Palms was getting paid to provide.
Another email announced that Dick had said that his last wish was to attend the Social one more time!

By golly, she arranged for the Palms to deliver Dick to the club house Wed, August 19 at 1 PM. She had us prepared to receive him warmly. Dick was wheeled in, wheeled to the dance floor. We formed a dancing circle around him.

Individuals, featuring Dick's known favorites, females, went up one at a time to greet him.

And so forth.

I presume that Dick has been found to be terminal by the medical professionals. It was said without joking that this was his "last" wish. Boy, did he get it.

Ahn, currently crippled herself with a badly contused ankle, wearing a cast, assigned crutches and/or a cane, abandoned her supports to dance with Dick's wheelchair!

I'm not always sure that Ahn shows the best sense – like putting her crutches aside – but boy, does she show love.

Memorial Service

The HSC is I emphasize a senior group. Mortality is common in our midst. Every Wednesday we announce a Prayer List: members, relatives of members unwell. Some members we loose to assisted living programs, to Nursing Homes, to hospitals, and to the mortuary.

I've been attending for one year now, commencing last August. This August 14, 2009, we had a memorial service for late-BOD-member Mary Oakum.

Lorraine sings
Lorraine sings a spiritual at Mary's memorial service.

Ahn, amid board members,
holds Mary's granddaughter.

Mary's service

Ahn and Bob transform a bingo parlor into a buffet lunch and dance hall for each Wednesday gathering. For Mary, Ahn and Bob transformed the same hall into a chapel. Board members, executives, volunteers, family members, friends ... shared reminiscences, read poems, sang spirituals ... a preacher read scripture, offered prayer ...

George reads a poem
Nicest such service I have ever seen, let alone participated in.

Development Plans

Hi, pk here, Paul Knatz.

I love the Highlands Senior Center. I love to dance. I love Ahn: and a bunch of the rest too. I even love the many enemies I have there!

But: my blog set at should not be the official blog for the HSC. I put it up just to show Ahn and Bob what could be done. I have an appointment with Ahn this Tuesday to transfer the project from my name and my Mac to her name and her PC. She can choose which blog name she can find available. She can have this name, HSCenter, if she wants it. I'll delete this blog, she can apply for the name which should then be free, and post and repost whatever she likes. I expect that she'll give me webmaster and editor privileges to the blog, but again: I'm giving the blog to her. In a sense, as she is the creator of the Social, the blog is already hers: even though I have a long long standing claim to ownership of anything connected to the internet, the whole thing having been plagiarized from Jesus, Ivan Illich, and ME!

I propose that we post Ahn's flier for the HSC as our top page. I propose that she keep the page I offered here, editing it ad infinitum or as future considerations find appropriate. I propose putting up sections on Ahn; on Bob:
on the HSC Board of Directors;
on the Volunteers;
on the kitchen staff;
on the other volunteer specialties: the sign in desk, the Greeter ...
I propose pages on our music suppliers: Cecil Schultz and his SingAlong Band, George Filip and his Sunshine Band ... Lois McClean, widow of the late Billy Warren, bandleader nonpareil, has been playing piano for us during lunch, the normal interval between the two dance bands.

Some BOD members have complex functions: take me for example: I lead the line dancing, now I also direct the ball room dance teaching. Lately I've been responsible for the beverage tables. Now I'm also the webmaster:
We'll have a site with the Chamber of Commerce:; and possibly a domain of our own.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Highlands Senior Center

Hi. We're the Highlands Senior Center. That's Highlands County, in Florida, specifically in Sebring Florida. We meet for dancing and singing and lunch, with snacks and beverages throughout the day, every Wednesday. The line dancing starts at 9 AM. The first live band for ball room dancing begins at 10. We dance and schmooze till 3 PM. Currently we're in the Sebring Hills Club House at 200 Lark Avenue. Take Highway 27 to Thunderbird Road, turn west, take the first turn south and our parking lot is right in front of you.

Here's how we looked last Halloween: in costume.

Ahn McQueen is our leader, our heart and soul. That's Ahn, the Witch, kneeling in the front row center. Bob McQueen is our President: that's him kneeling by Ahn, wearing a skull and holding a pirate sword. See that we also have sorcerers and Dracula and vampires ... and nurses and fairy godmothers ...

Here's Ahn again:

That too was on Halloween 2008.

I'll add more in a moment. Lots of great pictures coming, and some funny stories too: together with essential information about the Highlands Senior Center.